Smart Reeds6 nov 20191 Min. de lecturaUSA notifies the UN of its exit from the Paris agreementUSA notifies the UN of its exit from the Paris agreement, an agreement against climate change, signed by 197 countries.
Smart Reeds28 oct 20191 Min. de lecturaMillions of people in California are starting to lose power as PG&E tries to prevent more wildfiresAgain California is subjected to environmental catastrophes, millions of people run out of energy.
Smart Reeds24 oct 20191 Min. de lecturaSmart Reeds - blackout in the city due to breakdowns in secondary substationsA blackout due to failures in secondary substations demonstrates their vulnerability, and the need to meet the challenge of resilience.
Smart Reeds24 oct 20191 Min. de lecturaSmart Reeds at Málaga Viva MeetingSmart Reeds were at the Málaga Viva Meeting, an event to talk about the effects of climate change.
Smart Reeds22 oct 20191 Min. de lecturaSmart Reeds advises on magnetic fields and electric fields in high voltage linesSmart Reeds advises on magnetic fields and electric fields in high voltage lines
Smart Reeds18 jun 20191 Min. de lecturaSmart Reeds and Electric Vehicle ChargingELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING: When your problem is to locate secondary substations, Smart Reeds has a solution. The Smart Reeds MV/LV seconda
Smart Reeds9 may 20191 Min. de lecturaSmart Reeds study the magnetic fields levels in distribution gridsAt Smart Reeds we continue investigating magnetic field levels emitted by power distribution grids. In this case, we are measuring the ...
Smart Reeds6 may 20191 Min. de lecturaStudy of magnetic fields level in Lecrin ValleyThe association of those affected by the power line in the Lecrin Valley "The Coordinator" contacted Smart Reeds to prepare a report on ...